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The ACTivist Circle

Why Should I Support WE ACT by Joining the ACTivist Circle?

The ACTivist Circle is an annual giving program for special donors committed to sustaining support of WE ACT’s campaigns and to building WE ACT’s capacity to scale up its efforts to improve environmental policy and practice, locally and nationally.

Members of the ACTivist Circle will be invited to special briefings and dialogues on WE ACT’s efforts and research partnerships that advance climate change regulation, transportation equity and access, chemical policy reform, and sustainable development in the New York region.

Do you share the conviction of Dr. Martin Luther King that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”? Do you agree with Margaret Mead that “a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world”? Do you endorse the vision of vibrant cities, where people of all colors and backgrounds can live together in healthy, sustainable, green communities? If so, then now is the time for you to help WE ACT – New York City’s first and largest non-profit organization exclusively devoted to securing environmental justice – propel itself into a position of commanding leadership on urban environmental protection in New York and beyond. As our organization enters its third decade, we are seeking to strengthen our educational mission and extend our clout even deeper into the halls of political power. Here are some of the things WE ACT intends to achieve over the next decade:
How Do I Join the ACTivist Circle?
Are You A Supporter?
Your $1,000 contribution can enable WE ACT to mobilize 10 community
residents to advocate for local environmental justice policies.
Are You A Champion?
Your $2,500 contribution can enable WE ACT to purchase much-needed tools, like software systems that allow us to map the geographic locations of pollution in our communities and enhance our advocacy efforts.
Are You An Ambassador?
Your $5,000 contribution can enable WE ACT to spend 25 hours conducting environmental justice advocacy on chemical policy reform and other statewide issues in Albany, NY. 
Are You A Catalyst?
Your contribution of $10,000 and above can enable WE ACT to spend more than 50 hours conducting environmental justice advocacy on climate change, transportation and other national issues in Washington, DC.
Unless otherwise requested, all members of the ACTivist Circle will be acknowledged at the appropriate giving level on WE ACT’s website and in our annual reports and fundraising publications. Contributions to WE ACT through the ACTivist Circle are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Testimonials from Current ACTivist Circle Members

“WE ACT’s work for decades has provided a clear roadmap of how a community-based organization can positively impact local, state, and national environmental justice, public health, and equity issues.”
Robert D. Bullard, Ph.D.
Clark Atlanta University
“WE ACT has become an indispensable advocate for environmental justice in New York and beyond – educating citizens, pressing government and helping underrepresented constituencies secure a seat at the decision making table.” 

Frances Beinecke 
Natural Resources Defense Council

Get Connected and Join OUR Circle!


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